Mobula Munkiana Conservation
It's an honor to have my name associated with this beautiful creature of the sea. I hope that this will inspire more people to study and appreciate the ocean's wonders.
—Walter Munk

Mobula are a Genus of non-stinging ray found worldwide in warm and temperate seas. Some species of Mobula are quite large, reaching up to 7m across. The Mobula munkiana species is a small ray first described by Giuseppe Notarbartolo de Sciara in 1987, who named the species after his mentor, Walter Munk. This ray (often called Munk's Devil Ray) is categorized as "vulnerable" due to fishing bycatch, fishing pressure and habitat loss. Populations are decreasing, and there is currently no active recovery plan, systematic monitoring scheme or harvest management plan.

Project Description
The Walter Munk Foundation for the Oceans is committed to supporting Mobula munkiana conservation efforts. There's much to learn about this reclusive species in order to enact the most effective and least intrusive conservation measures (Stewart, 2018). We support international efforts to study, educate, and ultimately affect political change to protect critical habitat and limit fishing pressure.
Our involvement in Mobula munkiana conservation is focused around two key areas:
Financially support the scientists and organizations conducting impactful Mobula research, conservation, and education activities.
Contribute to baseline understanding of Mobula munkiana behavior and their environment through fieldwork and lab support.

By making a donation today, your generous contribution will support the Walter Munk Foundation for the Oceans in its efforts to research and protect the vulnerable Mobula munkiana species and continue Walter’s legacy of daring exploration and discovery. Please consider sponsoring one of the areas listed below.
How You Can Help
A Sample
An Acoustic Tag
An Ultrasound
A Ph.D. Student