A 501(c)(3) non-profit continuing Walter Munk’s Legacy
of daring exploration and discovery through scientific research, education and ocean conservation.
Daring Exploration and Discovery
Walter Munk was a pioneer of physical oceanography. Through groundbreaking contributions to wave and tidal forecasting, acoustic tomography (sound travel through the ocean), and years of educating students at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography, Walter created a legacy of daring exploration and discovery. In order to continue that legacy, Walter and Mary Munk founded the Walter Munk Foundation for the Oceans in 2017. We continue Walter’s legacy by supporting and conducting earth and environmental science research, providing scholastic support for talented Ocean Science researchers, and through outreach and educational programs.

Our Areas of Focus
The Walter Munk Foundation for the Oceans is focused on advancing and supporting ocean science, creating impactful earth science educational content, and advocating for ocean conservation. We are committed to creating a meaningful and enduring impact on our relationship with the ocean.
Ocean Science
Earth Science Education
Ocean Conservation

Highlights at WMFO
Explore a few of the ways the Walter Munk Foundation for the Oceans is contributing to Ocean Science, Earth Science Education and Ocean Conservation.
Walter Munk Day
Lake Altaussee Heat Study
Musical Journeys

People should treat the ocean like we do anything else that we care about,
with consideration, with care, and affection.
For that, we must educate.
—Walter Munk